rumored to be Irish government advisers developing arts council policies.
If you want to make money writing, then write computer code.
If you wish to explore your humanity write poetry.
If you’d like to network in the writing world write short stories.
If you really want to destroy your writing soul, why not try crafting literary essays.
If you want to seek specific career advancement write academic material.
If you want to pursue your dreams write print novels.
If you want to connect, write journalism.
If you want to make enemies write reviews.
If you want to make films write screenplays.
If you want to make lingering mistakes write spiritual literature.
If you enjoy emotional purgatory write brand communications.
If you want to tackle social or societal issues write plays.
If you want to be helpful write manuals.
If you want to be accommodating write invited articles.
If you want to waste your valuable time and energy write a blog.
If you want to be depressed write comedy.
If you want to go into deep financial debt write computer games.
If you subconsciously crave creative obscurity write digital literature.
If you want to create value write business plans.
If you want to be a writer, read everyone and anyone who calls themselves a writer.
If you really want to be a writer, write anywhere, on anything, anytime.
If you want to be an original writer prepare for poverty.
If you want to be a popular writer befriend other writers, particularly those you don’t like.
If you want to be a truthful writer live freely inside and outside your writing.
If you want to be a successful writer, write, write a lot, and then get an agent.
If you knew you wanted to be a writer aged 12 years old start saving ‘therapy money‘.
If you regard writing as an art rather than a craft buy a paintbrush.
If secluded daily writing excites you, try writing curricula.
If you really want to be ‘just a writer’ then write away right away.
If you’ve read down this far, you’ve reached point 30 and already know you know but were just checking in.. just in case…
I am starting to write a regular newsletter which is (hard to believe I know) more opinionated, considers more topics than presented here, in hopefully more detail with additional links of interest and references, that is if enough people sign up to it.. its about all sorts of stuff.. so I’ve called it: