A drop in the ocean of work from 1990 to Present…. but not the Future.
There are various places where some of my creative and digital art work has been shown, recorded, or categorized.
such as the ELMCIP database.
Some can still be seen and enjoyed in their original publication venues.
Other works are listed under various profile entries etc.
obviously there were vastly more examples of (moving) images and other experimental works I created, like the pilot for this interactive television series from 2006 – Paddygames:
I wrote short comedic dramas, community plays, amateur, semi professional and professional stage plays most of which have been produced. I have written Radio and TV scripts, computer game bibles, various professional handbooks, module outlines and course curricula, Lots of ghost writing, numerous technical manuals, innumerable speeches and an array of what can be easily understood as common correspondence.
At this point in my career I prefer to be more… future focused..